


We're thrilled you're considering partnering with us to reach our audience of tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Please review the details below.

Why advertise with us

At Directory, we connect forward-thinking companies with an engaged audience passionate about the latest in AI and technology. By advertising with us, you'll gain access to:

Targeted exposure

Reach a niche audience interested in AI, startups, and innovative tech solutions.

Targeted exposure

Reach a niche audience interested in AI, startups, and innovative tech solutions.

Targeted exposure

Reach a niche audience interested in AI, startups, and innovative tech solutions.

High-quality leads

Connect with entrepreneurs, developers, and founders looking for the latest tools.

High-quality leads

Connect with entrepreneurs, developers, and founders looking for the latest tools.

High-quality leads

Connect with entrepreneurs, developers, and founders looking for the latest tools.

Brand visibility

Increase your brand's presence within a community that values cutting-edge tech.

Brand visibility

Increase your brand's presence within a community that values cutting-edge tech.

Brand visibility

Increase your brand's presence within a community that values cutting-edge tech.

Advertising options

We offer a variety of advertising opportunities tailored to meet your goals.

Sponsored listings

Highlight your startup or product at the top of relevant categories.

Sponsored listings

Highlight your startup or product at the top of relevant categories.

Sponsored listings

Highlight your startup or product at the top of relevant categories.

Banner ads

Place visually engaging ads throughout our site to capture attention.

Banner ads

Place visually engaging ads throughout our site to capture attention.

Banner ads

Place visually engaging ads throughout our site to capture attention.

Newsletter features

Reach our subscribers directly with a sponsored segment in our newsletter.

Newsletter features

Reach our subscribers directly with a sponsored segment in our newsletter.

Newsletter features

Reach our subscribers directly with a sponsored segment in our newsletter.

Custom campaigns

Work with our team to create a custom advertising package that fits your needs.

Custom campaigns

Work with our team to create a custom advertising package that fits your needs.

Custom campaigns

Work with our team to create a custom advertising package that fits your needs.